A group of friends celebrating the hike to a mountain

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Things to do in Pueblo Bello

1. Trek to Cascada de Los Pinos

Embark on a scenic trek to Cascada de Los Pinos, a beautiful waterfall surrounded by lush tropical vegetation. Take a refreshing dip in the crystal clear waters and enjoy the tranquility of nature.

2. Explore Tayrona National Natural Park

Spend a day exploring Tayrona National Natural Park, known for its stunning beaches and diverse wildlife. Take a hike through the park's trails, relax on the pristine beaches, and snorkel in the turquoise waters.

3. Visit the Cerro Kennedy viewpoint

Hike to the Cerro Kennedy viewpoint and be rewarded with breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. Marvel at the mist-covered peaks and enjoy the peacefulness of the area.

4. Experience indigenous culture in Nabusimake

Take a trip to Nabusimake, an indigenous village located in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Immerse yourself in the local culture, visit traditional houses, and learn about the traditions and customs of the indigenous people.

5. Visit the Arhuaco Community

Spend a day with the Arhuaco Community, an indigenous group known for their unique way of life. Learn about their sustainable practices, participate in traditional rituals, and gain a deeper understanding of their rich cultural heritage.

6. Relax on the beaches of Palomino

Indulge in the laid-back vibes of Palomino, a coastal village known for its stunning beaches. Enjoy swimming in the warm Caribbean waters, try your hand at surfing, or simply relax in a hammock and soak up the sun.

7. Discover the Lost City (Ciudad Perdida)

Embark on a multi-day trek to the Lost City, an ancient archaeological site located deep in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Explore the ruins, learn about the indigenous history, and marvel at the incredible mountain scenery.

8. Take a boat trip to Isla del Encanto

Hop on a boat and head to Isla del Encanto, a picturesque island near Pueblo Bello. Relax on the white sandy beaches, snorkel in the coral reefs, and enjoy a delicious seafood lunch.

9. Visit the Mamey viewpoint

Drive up to the Mamey viewpoint and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. It's a perfect spot to take in the natural beauty of the region and capture some stunning photos.

10. Go bird watching in the Sierra Nevada

Explore the diverse birdlife of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta on a guided bird watching tour. Spot colorful species like the Santa Marta parakeet, the Sierra Nevada brush finch, and the black-backed antshrike.

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